Rescue of Persons from MEWPs
Plant Safety Group
1. Introduction
When MEWPs are used there is always the risk of persons in the work platform becoming
stranded at height due to MEWP malfunction, breakdown or an outside influence. This risk
can be significantly reduced through using well maintained equipment, conducting a pre-use
inspection, including function checks and the MEWP being operated by a trained, competent
operator. These factors will significantly reduce any potential risk. It is however, still essential
that plans are put in place to rescue persons in the work platform.
NOTE: Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the material contained within this guidance,
no liability is accepted by the authors in respect of the information given. Compliance with this guidance does not
give automatic assurance of compliance with legislative requirements. It is the duty holders’ responsibility to
ensure they comply with the legal requirements relevant to safe work at height.
2. Legislation
Health and safety legislation requires that safe systems of work are in place for all work
activities and the references for the requirement to provide a means of safe rescue are:
• Work at Height Regulations 2005 – Regulation 4(2)
• Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 – Regulation 5(1)(d)
• Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 – Regulation 3
• CDM 2015 - Regulation 30 on Emergency Procedures
• The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 - Sections 2 & 3 also set out general
duties that require this.
3. Responsibility for rescue
The primary duty for ensuring that there are adequate resources for planning and carrying
out rescue of persons from a MEWP rests with the user1 of that MEWP. They must liaise
closely with the Principal Contractor if it is a construction site as defined by the Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), or with the site occupier for non-
construction premises, to ensure that any aspect of the emergency plan requiring their input
can be actioned.
In the case of a hired-in MEWP supplied with an operator, the responsibility for the rescue
plan remains with the user. The employer of the operator or their nominated representative
should check with the MEWP user to ensure that an adequate rescue plan has been put in
MEWP suppliers should be able to provide technical advice to assist with the planning
1 The term “user” is defined in BS 8460:2017 as “person or organization that has control of the planning,
management and use of the MEWP on site and is responsible for ensuring the MEWP is kept in a safe working
4. Planning for rescue from a MEWP
Before carrying out rescue from height, as with all activities in the workplace, employers
must ensure that a safe system of work is in place. An emergency plan is vital to establishing
a safe system of work and will involve the following stages:
1. Identification of the task to be undertaken;
2. Identification of the hazards associated with the task;
3. Assessment of the risks involved with the rescue operation;
4. Identification of the required control measures;
5. Identification of roles and responsibilities;
6. Developing the method to be used including:
a. Identification and provision of any equipment required;
b. Identification, training and assessment of suitable competent persons to carry
out the rescue;
c. Ensuring the availability of appropriately trained and competent persons when
d. Provision of necessary information;
e. Establishing suitable methods of communication;
f. Consideration of “basket to basket” or other means of rescue;
g. Need for the provision of a “personnel emergency pack” in the MEWP
platform and the contents of that pack (see section 8.);
h. Liaison with the local emergency services;
i. Contact details for the operator of any nearby overhead power lines.
7. Recording the planning in a method statement;
8. Communication of the plan to all those involved;
9. Reviewing the plan at intervals, incorporating any changed circumstances and
undertaking periodic refresher training.
The control measures identified should include arrangements for training of persons and the
inspection and maintenance of any rescue equipment. A list of general risk factors to be
taken into account in the risk assessment in Bullet 3 above is given in Annex A.
A hierarchy of the measures that can be taken during the rescue of persons from a MEWP is
given in Annex B. It should be emphasised that this is only an example and that a specific
rescue plan should be developed for each individual MEWP, based on the specific machine
characteristics, the task being undertaken, site specific factors and environmental factors.
Additional information and guidance is given in:
• IPAF Toolbox Talk, Understanding a MEWP Rescue Plan
(free download from ) https://www.ipaf.org/en/resource-library/mewp-rescue-plan-toolbox-talk
• IPAF Guidance on emergency rescue
(free download from https://www.ipaf.org/en-gb/resource-library/guidance-emergency-rescue)
• HSE Guidance on emergency procedures
(free download from http://www.hse.gov.uk/toolbox/managing/emergency.htm)
5. Rescue personnel
Whenever a MEWP is in use, a competent and authorised person in the vicinity of the MEWP
should be designated as the “nominated ground rescue person”. This person should be familiar3
with the ground controls of the MEWP and have practiced lowering the platform. They should
also have been fully briefed on the rescue plan and identified to the MEWP operator in the work
platform as the nominated ground rescue person.
In the case of rescue being required, the MEWP operator should in the first instance alert their
supervisor. If, however they are not contactable the operator should contact the nominated
ground rescue person directly for assistance.
It is essential that all personnel involved in the rescue have the necessary competence to enable
the rescue to be carried out safely.
6. Communication
Effective communication between the MEWP operator and their supervisor and/or nominated
ground rescue person is essential if the rescue plan is to be carried out successfully. The means
of communication chosen will depend on a number of factors including maximum working height
of the MEWP, background noise, environment and mobile ‘phone signal strength.
In areas with poor mobile ‘phone signal strength it may be necessary to use hand-held radios.
Information on radio communications for lifting operations is given in CPA Technical Information
Note TIN 017 (free download from https://www.cpa.uk.net/tower-crane-interest-group-tcig-publications/)
7. Means of rescue
If the MEWP cannot be lowered, either by using the auxiliary power source or ground controls, it
may be necessary to rescue the platform occupants using another MEWP to carry out a “basket
to basket” transfer. Guidance on this process is given in Annex D.
An alternative method that may be considered is the use of a mobile crane or tower crane with a
suspended man-basket. Guidance on the lifting of persons using cranes is given in Annex E.
8. Personnel emergency packs
Where there is a risk of persons being stranded at height in a MEWP for a long period of time,
the provision of an emergency pack may help to relieve the effects of cold, hunger and thirst. The
need for an emergency pack and the contents of such a pack should be determined by the user
as part of the planning process (see section 4.)
9. Use of the emergency services
The rescue plan should not rely on the fire and rescue services to carry out the rescue of
persons from a MEWP at height, as their capabilities vary from area to area and the MEWP may
well have a much higher working height than any firefighting hydraulic platform or turntable
Where an occupant of the MEWP platform is injured or incapacitated the ambulance service
should be called immediately.
10. Last resort
If all other practical alternatives have been exhausted and rescue is still essential, a controlled
descent device might be considered as a "last resort" in exceptional circumstances.
The decision to use such a device should only be considered after a robust risk assessment
shows that this is acceptable. Annex C lists some of the many risk factors that should be
considered and managed before using any Controlled Descent Device. This list is not exhaustive
and other hazards may be identified by a robust risk assessment.
NOTE 1: The vast majority of MEWP rescue plans will not require the inclusion of a Controlled Descent Device.
NOTE 2: For more detailed information on the use of CDDs in another work at height application refer to OC
282/31. Rope evacuation from mechanical handling equipment. (free download from
Annex A - General Factors to be Considered when Planning the Rescue of
Persons from MEWP Platforms
• Availability of a management nominated supervisor – decision maker and point of
• MEWP failure;
• Operator error / misuse;
• Work platform position / location / proximity to hazards (spatial awareness);
• Environment (e.g. changing weather conditions, temperature, lighting);
• External factors in the vicinity (e.g. overhead power lines, adjacent structures, cranes);
• Ground conditions;
• Height of the platform;
• Accessibility to/on site;
• Machine type;
• Number of persons to be rescued;
• Any potential medical (physical and mental) conditions;
• Availability / location of technical support;
• Availability of secondary machine for basket to basket transfer;
• Availability of crane for man-riding basket rescue;
• Lone working.
NOTE: This list is not exhaustive and other hazards may be identified by a robust risk assessment5
Annex B - Rescue from MEWPs Hierarchy
If the MEWP stops unexpectedly
• Do not panic;
• Check that the machine has not been inadvertently switched off;
• Check for warning lights and alarms, consult the operator’s manual if required, and take appropriate
• Attempt to restart the machine if possible;
• If the machine cannot be restarted, use the platform auxiliary controls to lower the machine to the stowed
position, if it is safe to do so.
If the platform auxiliary controls are not effective
• Notify the supervisor and nominated ground rescue person;
• Activate the rescue plan;
• Assess and agree the sequence for lowering the platform
from the ground controls;
• Where possible or when applicable, retract extending decks
and booms to reduce the lowering area required;
• The nominated ground rescue person should use the primary
ground controls (not auxiliary) first;
• If the primary ground controls are inoperable, the auxiliary
ground controls/power source should be used to lower the
machine to the stowed position, if it is safe to do so;
• The operator in the platform should verbally relay the
progress of the rescue to the nominated ground rescue
If the operator is alone and incapacitated
• The supervisor should call the site based first aider /
emergency response team as specified in the rescue plan;
• The nominated ground rescue person should assess the
situation, conditions and the platform location for surrounding
• If it is not detrimental to the operator, fully lower the machine
to the stowed position;
• The use of another MEWP or alternative means of access
might be necessary to complete the rescue.
If there is total failure/loss of ground controls
• If the ground controls/power source are unresponsive the
supervisor should call the machine supplier (owner/rental
company/manufacturer) for technical assistance and an
estimated time of arrival;
• The supervisor should assess the position and condition of
the operator and other platform occupants; it might be safer
to leave them where they are until technical assistance
• If assistance is not available in an acceptable timescale;
consider a “basket to basket” or other means of rescue;
• Guidance on “basket to basket” rescue is given in Annex D
and Clause 6.10 of BS 8460:2017.6
Annex C – Controlled Descent Device Specific Risk Factors
• Suitability of the MEWP for the attachment of descent equipment and the loads arising
from its use (Manufacturers’ approval including anchor points and guardrails);
• Selection and suitability of the descent equipment including the harness (front or rear
attachment), length of the rope;
• Maintenance, storage and inspection of the descent equipment;
• Failure of descent equipment;
• Potential for shock loading;
• Competence of the personnel involved – initial training / frequency of refresher training
/ practice and additional risks introduced;
• Any potential medical (physical and mental) conditions;
• Willingness of occupants to use descent equipment;
• Descent zone - free of hazards;
• Suitability of landing area.
NOTE 1: This list is not exhaustive and other hazards may be identified by a robust risk assessment.
NOTE 2: The vast majority of MEWP rescue plans will not require the inclusion of a Controlled Descent Device.
NOTE 3: For more detailed information on the use of CDDs in another work at height application refer to the HSE
document OC 282/31,
“Rope evacuation from mechanical handling equipment”
. (free download from
Annex D - Rescue of Stranded Persons Using Another MEWP
D1. Risk Assessment
Before undertaking the rescue of persons from a MEWP work platform using another MEWP an
on-site site-specific risk assessment should be carried out and a specific plan drawn up. The risk
assessment should take into account the following hazards:
a) falling of persons during transfer from one work platform to the other;
b) falling of tools and materials during transfer from one work platform to the other;
c) sudden movement of either MEWP or work platform;
d) additional loads imposed on either MEWP for which they were not designed and which could
affect stability or overload the machines;
e) dynamic and impact loads from personal fall protection equipment;
f) damage to either MEWP by an unintentional movement of either MEWP;
g) stranding of people at height;
h) use of extending decks and gates, use of double lanyards, etc.
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list and other site and situation specific hazards may need to be taken into
D2. Planning
The plan, prepared from the outcomes of the risk assessment should take account of the
a) The rescue MEWP should be positioned to enable the rescue procedure to be carried out
without compromising the safety of personnel involved in the rescue.
b) The platforms of both MEWPs should be placed as close together as possible with the entry
gate adjacent where possible, to allow the operative to transfer between gates. Where this
cannot be achieved the platforms should be positioned at the same height, as close as
possible to allow the operative to climb between the top and middle guard rails. If neither of
these options are possible, the operative should climb over the guard rails.
c) Fall protection measures should be maintained at all times during the transfer.
d) During the transfer the controls on both MEWPs should be isolated.
e) The person(s) being rescued should position themselves in the platform being exited to
equally distribute the weight as far as is possible.
f) The rescue plan should be clearly communicated so that all know the sequence for rescue.
g) One person at a time should be taken from the platform into the rescue platform, taking care
not to overload the rescue platform.
h) In a boom-type MEWP the rescuer should always remain attached to the rescue machine.
i) Care should be taken to avoid overloading the rescue machine. This could mean making
more than one journey to complete the rescue.
j) If, during the rescue, a person falls and is suspended in their fall protection equipment
communication should be established with the suspended person. If this is not possible the
emergency services should be summoned.
k) Suspension trauma can occur if a person has been suspended at height for a period of time.
Guidance on first aid measures for suspension trauma is given in HSE Research Report
RR708. Evidence-based review of the current guidance on first aid measures for suspension
trauma, (free download from http://www.hse.gov.uk/research/rrhtm/rr708.htm )8
Annex E - Raising or Lowering of Persons with Mobile or Tower Cranes
The raising and lowering of personnel by equipment that is not specifically designed for this
purpose should only be carried out in exceptional circumstances, when it is not practicable to do
so by other, less hazardous means (see LOLER 1998 ACOP paragraph 127). Each raising and
lowering operation requires careful planning before the operation is carried out.
NOTE: This Annex is based on the requirements of Clause 20.1 of BS 7121-1:2016
E1. Equipment Requirements
E1.1 Carrier
The type of carrier selected when raising/lowering personnel should be based on a risk
assessment and may vary according to the application, for example construction, forestry,
rescue. New carriers selected for use should conform to BS EN 14502-1.
NOTE: The carrier is sometimes referred to as a man-basket
E1.2 Compatibility of carrier and crane
E1.2.1 Capacity
The crane selected to lift the carrier should have a rated capacity for the crane configuration to
be used which is at least twice the weight of the carrier, its lifting accessories and its load.
E1.2.2 Motion control system
The crane should be equipped with a motion control system that brings motion to rest
automatically when the controls are released.
The crane should be equipped with power lowering. A crane with free-fall capability should not be
used to lower and raise persons unless the free-fall facility is locked out.
Load-bearing hydraulic cylinders should be fitted with a device to stop movement in case of hose
rupture or pipe fracture.
The crane control system should be able to provide a smooth transition of the carrier. The
working speed of the carrier should be limited to a maximum of 0.5 m/s on all motions.
Means should be provided so that, if the power supply or control system fails, the carrier can be
positioned to enable access/egress without risk.
E1.2.3 Ropes
Ropes used for hoisting and lowering the carrier should have a minimum diameter of 8 mm.
E1.2.3 Hook
The crane hook should be provided with a safety catch.
E1.3 Thorough examination and pre-use checks
Thorough examination and pre-use checks of cranes and carriers for lifting persons should be
carried out in accordance with BS 7121-2-1:2012, Clause 12.
E1.4 Other devices/facilities
E1.4.1 Anemometer
The crane should be fitted with an anemometer or other device to monitor in-service wind
E1.4.2 Storage
Storage accommodation for equipment, including any emergency egress equipment, should be
provided in the carrier.
E1.4.3 Rated capacity limiter/rated capacity indicator
The rated capacity limiter/rated capacity indicator on the crane should be maintained in good
working order.
E1.4.4 Other limiters
Limit switches should be provided to prevent over-hoisting, over-lowering or over-derricking.
The operator should check limit switches for correct operation each day before personnel
carrying operations are carried out.
Limit switches are not necessarily fail-safe, so care should be taken if motion limits are
Operation of limit switches, check valves and similar devices could prevent some motions of the
crane with the carrier still suspended. Precautions should be taken to ensure that persons in the
carrier are not left suspended for an excessive period, and/or a procedure for raising or lowering
the carrier to a safe position should be provided.
E2. Operation
E2.1 Organizational requirements
Lifting, lowering and supporting the carrier should be carried out by the operator in controlled
conditions, directed by a slinger-signaller who should be present at all times during the lifting
operation. The slinger-signaller should be positioned such that they can see both the carrier and
the crane operator at all times.
The crane operator should be present at the normal crane control station when the carrier is
occupied. Audible communication should be possible between the persons in the carrier and the
crane operator at all times during the lifting operation.
NOTE: This may be provided by dedicated radio or wired telephone.
E2.1.1 During the operation
a) an adequately trained and briefed person should be present to perform any emergency
recovery procedure;
a) the crane operator and signaller should not perform any other work at the same time, and
should only be responsible for operating one crane or directing one carrier;
b) cranes and other machines should not operate simultaneously in the same place if there
could be a risk of collision;
c) all movements should proceed gently and not exceed 0.5 m/s;
d) load-lifting attachments for carriers should not be used for any other purpose.
E2.1.2 Carriers should not be used in the following conditions:
a) winds exceeding 7 m/s (25 km/h), measured with a calibrated hand-held anemometer at
a similar level to that to which the carrier will be lifted;
b) electrical storms;
c) snow or ice;
d) fog;
e) sleet; and10
f) other weather conditions that could affect the safety of personnel.
Unintentional rotation of the carrier should be prevented, for example by using guide ropes or
anchoring. The means of preventing unintentional rotation should not inhibit any emergency
procedures and otherwise interfere with the safe operation of the carrier.
Lifts should not be made on any other hoist lines of the crane while any person occupies a carrier
attached to the crane.
The crane, load-lifting attachments and carrier should be inspected every working day during
NOTE: For further information on inspections, see BS 7121-2. An example of a personnel carrier pre-use check
form is given in BS 7121-2-1:2012, Annex C.
E2.2 Precautions for persons in the carrier
The following precautions for persons in the carrier should be observed when planning and
carrying out the lifting of persons in a suspended carrier:
a) The payload of the carrier should not be exceeded.
b) The stability of the carrier should not be affected by the operation. Additional care should
be taken if the carrier is of a length that could lead to excessive tilting through movement
of persons or tools within the carrier.
c) Users of a carrier should wear suitable full-body harnesses with work restraint systems
attached to a suitable anchorage point in the carrier. The most suitable type of work
restraint system is an adjustable lanyard, adjusted to be as short as possible to ensure
that a person is restrained within the carrier.
NOTE: Further information on the use of personal fall protection equipment is given in BS 8437.
d) Consideration should be given to the rescue of persons from a carrier if the carrier is
unable to be lowered for any reason, such as machine malfunction or carrier
entanglement. Any rescue procedure should be properly planned, taking into account the
reasons why the carrier is stranded at height and any need for urgent action.
NOTE: In many circumstances the rescue plan simply involves lowering of the carrier by the supporting
e) In the event that fall-arrest equipment is selected, a rescue plan should be prepared to
avoid the consequences of suspension trauma when a person is suspended from a fall-
arrest harness.
f) Any tools/materials in the carrier should be secured to prevent displacement, tipping
and/or falling out.
g) Personnel should remain entirely inside the carrier during raising, lowering and
positioning to avoid pinch points. Personnel should only stand on or work from the floor of
the carrier.
h) Carriers should be secured so that access and egress can be accomplished without
i) Crane-suspended man riding cages should not generally be provided instead of fixed
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